Double your impact: Request a matching gift from your employer
Employer Matching Gifts
Did you know that thousands of companies match donations by employees to our organizations? If you work for, or are retired from, a company with a matching gift program, your contribution to MPB might make twice the impact on the journalism and programs you love and rely on, at no cost to you!
Both Sustaining and one-time contributions can be matched.
Enter your employer's name below to see if they match gifts to MPB.
If your company is listed, follow the instructions given to begin the matching process. If your company isn't included, please contact your human resources department to ask if they will match your gift to MPB.
Most matching gift requests can be completed online. If not, completed forms may be emailed to or mailed to MPB Foundation Matching Gifts, 3825 Ridgewood Road, Jackson MS 39211
If you have any questions, email MPB's EIN Tax I.D. is 81-3063377
Thank you for doubling your impact, for the love of Mississippi!